Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Final 2 - monocular depth cues

Final 2 Monocular depth cues

 Size difference - As you can see the trees and the shadows look smaller as they get farther away from me.
 as you can see the images will get larger as they are closer to me and I have labeled the particular image i am talking about.

 Occlusion - In this picture there is a box with a skull in front of it, as well as a mistifying skull in the back of everything. I can tell what objects are in front of one another and it is because of occlusion. This portrays depth because i can tell what object is closest to me.

Final 6 - Meshmoon library/museum

Here are screenshots of my library in Meshmoon. All the screenshots show the 10 videos, 5 research papers, 5 pdf files, and my photo's.

Final 4 - High Resolution Avatar

I used MakeHuman to create my high resolution avatar. The avatar has my same color tone as well as hair style. Then I chose my two favorite colors for my pants and shirt.

Final 3 - group building

We were all assigned tasks and I helped create the garage area with Steve and also helped with allignments.

I got a picture of me next to the estate we built and we all worked as a team to create this 3d enviornent.
his is a view of the entire compound from ground level.  It is amazing what a team effort can build in a simulated three dimensional world.

Final 1

C:\Users\Raj Mitra\Documents\Powerbullet\raj\raj.htm

C:\Users\Raj Mitra\Documents\Powerbullet\raj\raj5\raj5.htm

C:\Users\Raj Mitra\Documents\Powerbullet\raj\raj4\raj4.htm

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Final 2 Monocular depth cues

 Size difference - As you can see the trees and the shadows look smaller as they get farther away from me.
 as you can see the images will get larger as they are closer to me and I have labeled the particular image i am talking about.

 Occlusion - In this picture there is a box with a skull in front of it, as well as a mistifying skull in the back of everything. I can tell what objects are in front of one another and it is because of occlusion. This portrays depth because i can tell what object is closest to me.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Midterm 6

In this midterm we began understanding and learning how to layer text and pictures. I was able to layer text over the picture that was given to us. I learned how to do this using http://immersiveeducation/@/bc.

Midterm 7

 This is an image I created in Gimp.  I took a picture i found of Kelsey Grammer from the tv show boss. Originally they were square logos. I used the smudge tool to make his eyes green. I also changed the size of the image to make it larger. Then I inserted a text box with the text written below.  This is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the Immersive BC portal at

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Scaled Images

Midterm 8

Here is an image of me with my with my girlfriend.  We were at a wedding, I had an awesome time!  If you notice I have lines and wrinkles under my eyes.  Using the blur tool in Gimp I was able to remove them.  This is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

class 6, assignment 2 , silver dollar

I made this silver dollar using the vector portion of Microsoft word. Thank you

class 5, assignment 1

                                                I created this piktochart using

Midterm 10

This is my house that I made using shapes and drawing tools in Microsoft Word. I made the roof with a triangle, the body, the windows, and the door of the house with rectangle. I used patterns and gradients to fill the shapes with colors and added text, too. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Midterm 9

Above is a screenshot of vector graphics using Microsoft Word. The two screenshots below are my work in progress. This course is called discovering computer graphics. For detail, visit the immersive BC portal at 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Texture Mapping - Ranjan Mitra

This is a picture of some bushes. This uses two shades of green for the bushes.

 This shows the texture of the house that appears to be clay-based.  The top is a solid color bitmap
 This is an image of a set of rails.  It uses two different bitmaps as textures.  The wood for the planks, and  brushed metallic for the rails.
 This is the picture of a sign, it uses numerous color elements.
 This is an image of stacks of hay.  They have a hay bitmap wrapped around the object.
This is a picture of the mountains. The mountains have no flat color and use multiple color origins.

class 5 , assignment 4

In the non colored image you get a better sense of the 3d image in my opinion. The flat shaded gives you a better sense of the picture. Pictue 1 is texture mapped and 2 is flat shaded. I would prefer flat shaded in the case of this photo

Midterm # 5

                                              Progressive .jpeg

                                               Interlaced .png
These are images of a lobster.  In this exercise we had to save the original image in both progressive jpeg and interlaced png.  To do this, I went into the export menu, selected the PNG filetype, and selected interlacing.  As for the jpeg, I exported it as a jpeg, checked the advanced options and checked off progressive jpeg.  It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College.  This course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For Details, visit the immersive BC Portal at

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Cloud Exploration - Ranjan Mitra

Cloud Exploration all over Virtual World in different places.

Virtual World with my group - Team The Cool Group, Cloud Party Exploration

This is the Cloud Exploration of The Cool Group amongst the beautiful deserted island. This island is only for cool people. Virtual World has taught how to interact with my peers via computer and virtually with avatars.